What data gets collected and why
As you use the Xbox console, the console collects certain data, including:
- Required service data for features, services, and experiences
- Required service data for games and apps you use on the console
- Required diagnostic data
Diagnostic data has two categories: required and optional. This console will send required data to Microsoft. Optional data is additional data that you choose to share with Microsoft.
Required data is the diagnostic data needed to help keep your console performing as expected.
Examples of required data include:
- Details of errors that might hamper the console’s ability to run games and apps
- Details of console setup success and failure to diagnose issues that would keep you from using the console
- Details of update success and failure
- Details of other console errors
What we use it for includes:
- Keeping the console and your games and apps up to date
- Help keep the console safe and secure
- Troubleshooting and fixing problems
Optional data includes additional details about your console, its settings, its health, its use, and enhanced error reporting.
Examples of optional data include:
- Actions you take while using the console
- Enhanced error reporting (detailed diagnostic data for conditions causing errors and crashes)
- Details about console hardware state and settings
- Console performance data
What we use it for includes:
- Improving experiences
- Improving console performance
- Troubleshooting and fixing problems
- Improving recommendations for games & apps
Optional data sharing is a personal setting: you are choosing fundamentally for you.
That said, the setting chosen by the first person to sign in on this console determines whether optional console data gets shared from times when no one is signed in.
Whether you’re first or someone signed in already, you can view and change both your personal sharing setting and the console sharing setting in—you guessed it—console settings, accessible from the Xbox guide.
If you’re an organizer of a Microsoft family group, you can also set or change optional data sharing for family members.
To change your own optional data sharing:
- From Home, press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide, then go to Settings > Online safety & family > Privacy & online safety > Data collection.
To change a family member’s optional data sharing:
- Go to Online safety & family > Family settings > Manage family members. Select a family member, then select Privacy & online safety > Data collection.
To change the console’s optional data sharing for times when no one is signed in:
- Go to Settings> System >Console info.
If you’re taking part in a preview program for Xbox or enable your console’s developer program:
- To disable optional diagnostic data collection, first remove this console from the program, then change your setting(s) as described above.
For more info about Microsoft privacy practices, go to http://microsoft.com/privacy/
For details on the preview and developer programs for Xbox:
- Xbox Insider unenrollment: https://aka.ms/xboxinsider-unenroll/
- Xbox Insider Terms of Use: https://aka.ms/xboxinsider-tou/
- Xbox developer programs: https://www.xbox.com/developers/