Despotism 3k

Despotism 3k

للأعمار من 16 عاماً فأكبر
عنف حاد، لغة حادة


Humanity is enslaved by an AI… which is awesome, because we’re on the right side of the conflict. Exploit puny humans to extract power and build your own empire! You’ll have to keep track of them to make sure they don’t succumb to exhaustion and hunger… although the weakest ones can always be thrown to the Bioreactor. In other words, this is a resource management sim with rogue-lite elements, dramatic plot, and an abundance of pop culture references. Also, jokes. Slaughter has never been so fun!

منشور بواسطة


مطورة بواسطة

Konfa Games

تاريخ الإصدار


قابل للتشغيل في

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Single player
  • إنجازات Xbox
  • الحفظ السحابي لـ Xbox