Resurgence Pack

Resurgence Pack

ActivisionAkcja i przygodaStrzelanki
Wyprzedaż: oszczędź 16,50 zł, kończy się za 6 dni
Wymaga gry
*sprzedano za 54,99 zł w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni
Wyprzedaż: oszczędź 16,50 zł, kończy się za 6 dni
Wymaga gry

Ta zawartość wymaga gry (sprzedawana osobno).


The best-selling Xbox 360 game of all time gets even bigger with more new content, first on Xbox LIVE! The Resurgence Pack delivers five epic multiplayer maps: “Carnival,” an abandoned amusement park with a variety of unique vantage points; “Fuel,” a massive oil refinery with extremely long sightlines; “Trailer Park,” a maze-like mobile estate surrounded by war-torn debris. Two legendary maps from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare return more detailed than ever, including “Strike,” a large urban center in the desert; and “Vacant,” a fast-paced Russian office complex with few places to take cover. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see

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Infinity Ward

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  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S