Fable III Understone Quest Pack

Fable III Understone Quest Pack

Microsoft Game StudiosAcción y aventuraEstrategiaSimulación
Requiere un juego
Requiere un juego
Apropiado hasta 17 años
Maduro 17+
Uso de alcohol, Sangre, Contenido sexual, Violencia, Lenguaje

Interacción de usuarios

Este contenido requiere un juego (se vende por separado).


Discover a whole new town built beneath the streets of Bowerstone. This full size region contains new houses and stalls to own, new creatures to fight and a major mystery to solve. As a special bonus, you will also receive two extra quests for free: the Mercenary Shooting Range, where you can earn prizes by hitting a variety of targets, and the Wheel of Misfortune, which gives you a chance to return to Reaver's manor and participate in his insane combat arena.

Publicado por

Microsoft Game Studios

Desarrollado por

Lionhead Studios

Fecha de lanzamiento


Se puede jugar en

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S