Hunt: Showdown - Zhong Kui

Hunt: Showdown - Zhong Kui

Crytek • Παιχνίδια βολών
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Hunt’s Zhong Kui DLC features two new Legendary Hunters and a new Legendary Blade: - the eponymous Zhong Kui (Hunter) - the ominous Dead Blessing (Hunter) - the Blood Orchid (weapon) Zhong Kui is the descendant of long line of demon hunters, historically celebrated on the Chinese New Year as a banisher of malignant spirits. Dead Blessing is the dark inversion of a symbol of good luck and one bet away from the promise of a peaceful end. Blood Orchid is a revered blade, in the traditional Chinese Dao style, ornamented with a flowing red sash that brings luck to the wielder.

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Με δυνατότητα αναπαραγωγής σε

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Παιχνίδι συνεργασίας σε σύνδεση
  • Παιχνίδι για πολλούς παίκτες σε σύνδεση

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