Ivory Puppet: Killer Outfit for Latch

Ivory Puppet: Killer Outfit for Latch

Team Reptile B.V. • 格鬥
Requires a game
Requires a game
適合 15 歲 (含) 以上
輔導級 15 歲

此內容需要遊戲 (個別販售)。

主機上的線上多人遊戲需要有 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 或 Xbox Game Pass Core (需另行購買)。


High up in a seemingly abandoned skyscraper, on an empty floor without entrance there stands a single large closet. In that closet hangs a contraption, something from a time Toxic would rather not think about. Using the data she had found on Latch, she delved into questionable arts and created an ivory automaton. As a product of her mindstate at the time it turned erratic and hostile. Now it's sealed away, set to activate if Toxic would ever be captured by the Shine City Police.

Published by

Team Reptile B.V.

Developed by

Team Reptile B.V.

Release date



  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • 本機多人遊戲
  • 線上多人遊戲