Hell Let Loose - Iron Vanguard

Hell Let Loose - Iron Vanguard

Team17 • 射擊
On sale: save NT$42.00, ends in 3 days
Requires a game
On sale: save NT$42.00, ends in 3 days
Requires a game
適合 18 歲 (含) 以上

此內容需要遊戲 (個別販售)。

主機上的線上多人遊戲需要有 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 或 Xbox Game Pass Core (需另行購買)。


Unlock access to join the Iron Vanguard and take to the front lines with an array of unique helmets and uniforms. Roll up your sleeves and get stuck into the thick of it with the German forces, blend into the background in the Soviet “Ameba” camo helmet or take to the US tanks and show off the “Hell on Wheels” jacket! Iron Vanguard pack contains: German Forces – "Rolled sleeves" uniforms for 11 classes. US Forces - “Hell on Wheels” jacket for Tank Commander’s and Tank Crew Soviet Forces - SSh-40 Covered Ameba helmet

Published by


Developed by

Black Matter Studios

Release date



  • Xbox Series X|S
  • 電腦


  • 線上多人遊戲