Beat Me!

Beat Me!

Red Limb Studio動作與冒險家庭與兒童格鬥平台遊戲
適合 12 歲 (含) 以上
輔導級 12 歲

主機上的線上多人遊戲需要有 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 或 Xbox Game Pass Core (需另行購買)。


Beat Me! is a physics-based multiplayer game with comical fantasy characters and a wide variety of fun and surprising environments. Fight against other players, but be aware of your surroundings! Key Features: - Enjoy the game together, with up to 6 players in total. - Challenge your friends to try to beat you locally through shared-screen or over the internet. - Experience a special physics-based combat system. - Choose from many fantasy characters with unique abilities and fighting styles. - Enjoy over 100 highly interactive and fun levels. - Pick from a number of different game modes, including deathmatch. - Use chat and voice chat in online mode!


Red Limb Studio


Red Limb Studio




  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Xbox 本機合作遊戲 (2-6)
  • Xbox 本機多人遊戲 (2-6)
  • 線上多人遊戲 (2-6)
  • Xbox 跨平台多人遊戲
  • 單一玩家
  • Xbox 成就
  • Xbox 目前狀態
  • Xbox 雲端儲存
  • Xbox Live