Black Desert - [1+1] 1000 Pearls

Black Desert - [1+1] 1000 Pearls

Pearl Abyss • Rol oyunları
Wymaga gry
Wymaga gry
16 yaş ve üzeri için
Uyuşturucu, Şiddet

Kullanıcı Etkileşimi, Oyun İçi Satın Almalar (Rastgele Öğeler İçerir)

Bu içerik için bir oyun (ayrı satılır) gerekir.


This product contains 2,000 pearls which is the in-game currency of Black Desert. Pearls can be spent in the Pearl shop which contains cosmetic and convenience items. IMPORTANT: - The contents of this product can only be received once per Xbox Store account. Please be careful when purchasing this product as a gift, as the recipient will not receive additional contents if that person has already purchased/redeemed the same product. - The item packages included in the bundles will only be sent to the server that corresponds to the region where the product is purchased.

Opublikowane przez

Pearl Abyss

Opracowane przez

Pearl Abyss

Data wydania



  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S

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