Guacamelee! 2 Complete

Guacamelee! 2 Complete

Drinkbox Studiosექშენი და სათავგადასავლო
Xbox Play Anywhere
Xbox Play Anywhere
12 წლის და უფროსი ასაკისთვის
საშუალო ძალადობა

+Offers in-app purchases.


Get the complete Guacamelee! 2 experience by picking up the game and both DLC packs together! The celebrated metroidvania is here in its ultimate form. Punch and suplex your way through the entire story in the game-changing costumes of the 'Three Enemigos' character pack, and enjoy the savage challenges and rewards of the 'Proving Grounds' challenge level. Guacamelee! 2 is Drinkbox Studios' followup to their classic indie brawler adventure Guacamelee. Luchador Juan Aguacate is out of retirement for a stunning new Metroidvania-style adventure. Explore a huge, hand-crafted world inspired by Mexican culture and folklore, filled with sassy new villains and weirdos (and a few old friends!). Learn bone-crunching wrestling moves to fend off skeletal hordes and overcome skillful platforming challenges... and who said anything about a Chicken Illuminati? Certainly not us!

Published by

Drinkbox Studios

Developed by

Drinkbox Studios

Release date


Playable on

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC


  • Xbox ლოკალური თანამშრომლობა (2-4)
  • Xbox რამდენიმე მოთამაშე ადგილობრივად (2-4)
  • 4K Ultra HD
  • ერთი მოთამაშე
  • Xbox მიღწევები
  • Xbox გლობალურ ქსელში შენახვა
  • Xbox Play Anywhere

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