PC Game Pass titles lined up against a dark outer space background

Invite your friends

Assemble your team and pick your adventure. Give up to five friends a free 14-day trial of PC Game Pass. Just log in and claim your trials to share with your friends. PC Game Pass makes it easy to play games like Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Diablo® IV and more together with the people you like.

Terms apply. Free trials can only be redeemed by new members.

How it works


1. Sign in with your account

Sign in with the same account as your PC Game Pass or Ultimate membership to see if you’re eligible.

Invite friends icon

2. Invite up to five friends

You can invite up to five friends. Copy the available trial code/link, paste it in your favourite email or text app, and send it to a friend. Free trials can only be redeemed by new members.

Calendar check in icon

3. Check back in

Your friend will have 30 days to redeem their free trial and cannot be a current or previous Game Pass member. If they don’t redeem it, the trial will become available to share again after 30 days.

Frequently Asked Questions